My public repositories (including this website) are hosted on GitLab.
Note: This page is currently a work-in-progress and does not represent even close to the magnitude of the complex, weird, and fun projects I have worked on.
- Space Traveler: an 80s arcade-style game built for the FBLA game and simulation programming competition using C# and system libraries (2017)
- Tripwire Trap: an ATtiny85 based laser tripwire that lights a distant fire-cracker fuse used to ward off intruders (2019)
- High-Score Breathalyzer: an ATmega382p based breathalyzer that makes it fun to monitor your drinking and increase awareness to decrease risk of alcohol-poisoning (2017)
- a Hugo-based static website with DNS, SSL, and hosted on GitLab Pages (2020)
- Untitled Game: a multi-platform 2D game + engine writen in C (2020)